Spanish-language network

logoPol·len edicions

C/ Pere Serra, 1-15
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès
Tél: +34 667760677

Pol-len edicions is a Catalan publishing cooperative formed by four people. Founded in 2011, they are dedicated to publishing books of critical thought for transformative action. With a wide range of genres, their themes are feminism, ecology, and Euskal Herria (a country from which they translate very diverse works into Catalan).

But the main characteristic of Pol-len edicions is their work and commitment to eco-edition. This means calculating, minimising and communicating the environmental impact of paper books. This task has been carried out, since 2022, through the Institut de l’ecoedició de Catalunya (

Books selection

Alerta: greenwashing. El ecoblanqueo en España

Jaume ENCISO (coord.) Alerta: greenwashing. El ecoblanqueo en España es una obra coral que va más allá de un primer abc sobre el concepto. Se (...)

És morta la poesia? / Hilda dago poesía?

Joseba SARRIONANDIA Edición bilingue catalàn/euskara de la antología poética de Joseba Sarrionandia, el gran poeta y escritor vasco que, des de su (...)

Partos felices. 54 autora hablan de su parto

Partos felices es un libro coral que aporta nuevos imaginarios alrededor del parto y el nacimiento. Los relatos traspasan la línea del contexto (...)


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logoLa Oveja Roja

c/ Amparo 76
28012 Madrid

It was chance combined with great effort that led to the launch of La Oveja Roja. As chance would have it, someone with no plans to work in the publishing industry found themselves in the possession of several previously unpublished books. He founded La Oveja Roja, located, as its name [the red sheep] might suggest, deep in the countryside, in a meadow at the foot of the Pyrenees. The founder was adamant about ensuring that culture was accessible to all children and not only to the upper classes. This sheep insisted on talking about politics and society even though no one had invited him to the table. Notable figures, of course, did not listen. But he continued anyway. From the Pyrenees he went to Madrid, where he found himself becoming a carpenter in order to open a bookshop. From that moment on, he has lived only for his obsessions, which now include storytelling, poetry, graphic novels, essays and even children’s books. His catalogue contains works of a variety of tones. Éric Hazan, Nathalie Quintane, Vincianne Despret, Brigitte Vasallo, Enrique Falcón and Antonio Orihuela are just some of the names who have become friends along the way. And the sheep, with his books, now finds himself surrounded by wooden bookshelves in a bookshop, and continues to think and dream about meadows and about books.

Contact : Alfonso SERRANO

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logoAsociación de Editores en Lengua Vasca (Euskal Editoreen Elkartea)

Zemoriya 25, bajo
20013 Donostia-San Sebastián
Tél: (+34) 943 292 349


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logoEditargi (Asociación de editoriales independientes de Navarra)


The Association of Independent Publishers of Navarre - Nafar Editore Independiente en Elkartea (Editargi) is made up of publishers who are not dependent on large groups or public institutions, and whose main economic activity is the publishing and sale of books. Their objectives include the promotion of books as a cultural medium with specific needs; the creation and strengthening of companies and industries in Navarre that work in the field of book creation, publishing, distribution and dissemination; the promotion of the implementation of policies to support books, their local industries, bibliodiversity and reading in general with the public authorities; and the defence and promotion of the cultural and linguistic diversity of Navarre.

Contact : Aritz OTAZU LUJANBIO

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logoEditores independientes de Ecuador (EIE)

Aldana 307 y Carvajal
Tél: (+593) 995 164395

The Association of Independent Publishers of Ecuador is a group of small and medium-sized cultural initiatives, committed to the need to come together to generate policies intrinsic to the book sector.

The goals include:
1. Promote the development of the publishing industry at the national and Latin American levels by developing cooperation and exchanges.
2. Ensure the free circulation of books, nationally and internationally.
3. Promote the culture of books and reading as essential factors for human development, self-actualisation and citizenry.
4. Contribute to the effective democratisation of books and reading in Ecuador as a means of promoting respect for the right of every citizen to participate openly and freely in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts, to contribute to scientific progress and to enjoy its benefits.
5. Promote bibliodiversity, the expression of cultural diversity through the book, as a guarantee of the plurality of literary, artistic and scientific contents and approaches.
6. Channel initiatives of independent and/or independent publishers to preserve the public status of the book and related editorial products.
7. Encourage the recognition of editorial work and literary creativity in Ecuador and Latin America.
8. Represent the interests of partners nationally and internationally and develop initiatives that strengthen the role of the publisher as a vital cultural agent.
9. Promote, encourage, organise, sponsor and contribute to the development of national policies aimed at developing the publishing industry and promoting reading in Ecuador.
10. Promote the defence of the rights of the author, the illustrator, artist and publisher, by promoting a culture of respect for intellectual property and by encouraging the application of the mechanisms provided by law against editorial piracy and unauthorized reprography.
11. Promote and conduct activities towards the consolidation and expansion of the book markets, both in Ecuador and abroad.
12. Promote the circulation of books at the national and international levels.
13. Encourage the expansion of book circulation networks and support the development of independent bookstores.
14. Advocate for the development of a national network of public libraries.

The Association of Independent Publishers of Ecuador is therefore pleased to share the efforts made by its members towards the realisation of the objectives set out in its founding statutes, namely the development of reading in the country. We believe that this humble contribution, conceived for both the reader and the professionals of the book world, will help to foster the links between authors and their readerships.


To listen: an interview from Germán GACIO BAQUIOLA, published by the CERLALC.

Contact : Germán GACIO BAQUIOLA

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logoLlegir en català

​Gran Via de Les Corts Catalanes, 514 1º 7ª
08015 Barcelona
Tél: (+34) 93 52 78 338

Contact : Laura HUERGA

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logoEdiciones del Ermitaño

Calle 2 número 21
San Pedro de los Pinos
03800 México, D.F.
Tél: +(52 55) 5515 1657

Ediciones del Ermitaño, Editorial Division of Solar Servicios Editoriales, is backed by the experience and prestige of over 29 years in the market and a growing collection of poetry, short stories, novels, and other genres. When the possibility of using digital technology emerged in the editorial world, Ediciones del Ermitaño was the first to create a collection that fully takes advantage of that technology. And so “Minimalia”, our main collection, was born, in which we have published over 250 titles and which has sold thousands of copies. We never run out of any title, since we have the capacity to reprint according to the needs and demand; this has allowed us to open the doors to many young writers who have been able to publish their first, and very promising, works, side by side with the accomplished writers that also are part of our catalog. Thus, the “Minimalia” collection has been a pioneer and a platform for experimentation that established the example and marked new guidelines. It is a collection that explores and explodes the new digital technologies surrounding composition and production, in order to create new paradigms that carry the word from the authors to ultimately thousands of readers.

Contact : Alejandro ZENKER

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logoJC Sáez Editor

El Retiro 4853
7630227 Vitacura
Tél: (+56) 2 3253148 / (+56) 2 3260104

At the time of its foundation in 1920, JC Sáez Editor (formerly Dolmen Ediciones) was a publishing house specialising in textbooks and extracurricular books. It is now specialised in the dissemination of ideas in key areas of modernity, such as humanities, biology, pedagogy, economics and management. JC Sáez Editor’s catalogue also includes emerging voices and renowned authors from Chile’s national body of literature (poetry, essays), and comic strips, general trade literature, which enables it to go beyond continental borders with a rich and varied offer. To secure its diffusion, JC Sáez Editor relies on a distribution and collaboration network at local level in the main Latino-American capital cities.

Books selection

Ciencia presunta de Marx

Rafael Echeverría Marx sostuvo que, a diferencia del socialismo utópico del pasado y de varias propuestas socialistas y anarquistas de su época, (...)

El Fenómeno de la vida

Francisco Varela “Lo que he querido desarrollar en estos ensayos es una comprensión del fenómeno de la vida en toda su gloria y majestad. Esto (...)

Estudio de casos en la formación de profesores de matemáticas: integrando matemáticas y pedagogía

Cristián Reyes El proyecto denominado “Herramientas para la Formación de Profesores de Matemáticas”, tiene como objetivo contribuir al mejoramiento (...)

Contact : Juan Carlos SÁEZ

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logoF&G Editores

31 avenida “C” 5-54, zona 7
Colonia Centro América
01007 Guatemala
Tél: (+502) 2439 8358 / (+502) 5406 0909

F&G Editores is a Guatemalan independent publishing house founded in 1994. 18 years after its creation, it is about to become a leading publishing house in Central America, both because of its authors, publishing list and contents, and also because of its distribution network. Despite the challenges of a high illiteracy rate in the country and a total absence of State support for publishing, F&G Editores has survived. Moreover, it has consolidated its position as one of Guatemala’s leading publishing house. Not affiliated to any party, this publishing house commits to building a democratic and peaceful society, in which human rights are fully respected; a priority for the Guatemalan society who experienced more than 36 years of internal armed conflicts and from which it is still recovering. F&G Editores publishes Guatemalan and Central American literature of various genres and has been singled out as being the only non institutional Guatemalan publishing house who publishes books addressing the issue of collective historical memory.

Contact : Raúl Figueroa SARTI

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logoBaile del Sol

Apartado de Correos, 133
38280 Tegueste
Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Islas Canarias
Tél: (+34) 922 27 95 97 / 646 151 141

Baile del Sol is a publishing house located on the Canary Islands, off the coast of the African continent. It was established in 1992 in the form of a cultural association. Its founders had already been involved for a number of years in the cultural life of the Islands, as fanzine publishing editors, for Orín Desteñido, and for literary and music magazines, for Baile del Sol. The objectives of this association were retained throughout the years and Baile del Sol remains true to these to this day. On the one hand, we offer the chance to become published to new authors and, on the other, an increased effort so as local authors from the Canary Islands be considered for themselves and not because of their geographic origins. Our catalogue is additionally open to authors from other backgrounds. America, Oceania, Africa and Europe are all represented. We are, therefore, an open-minded and independent publishing house.

Contact : Ángeles ALONSO

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