The limited company Presse Edition & Diffusion (PREDIFF) was founded in March 1995. Its core business is the subscription sale of foreign periodicals, managing international communication, the bookshop, card shop and since November 2004, the publication of children’s books. To date Éditions Jeunes Malgaches have published several tales and bilingual children’s publications: in February 2005, Maria Vakansy any Alaotra, in Malagasy; in November 2006, Maria Nahita ranomasina voalohany, in Malagasy; Marthe Rasoa raconte, two Malagasy tales written in French; in January 2007, Les Mésaventures de Milaloza, a French/Malagasy bilingual edition of a Malagasy tale, and in November 2007, Soza le pêcheur, a bilingual tale as well as ABDlire, a bilingual aphabet book.
Jeunes malgaches une maison d’édition spécialisée jeunesse qui veut rester toujours jeune au service de la promotion de la culture et la langue malgache.
Read here the interview with Marie Michèle Razafinstalama, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (November 21, 2016).