The alternatives. Ecology, social economy : the future of the book ?

To order this title digitally, it’s here !
Sales price (digital copy – PDF version) : 5 Euros
ISBN : 978-2-490855-11-7

Sales price (hardcopy) : 15 Euros
Format : 14,5 X 21 cm ; 236 pages
ISBN : 978-2-490855-10-0

Publication : February 2021

Bibliodiversité is co-published by Double ponctuation and the International Alliance of Independent Publishers.

See all the other issues of the journal here (“Minority languages”, "Public book policies”, “Self-publishing”, “Publishing and commitment”, “Translation and Globalization”...)

At a time when environmental concerns are becoming more and more important and when traditional production patterns are increasingly being questioned, is there such a thing as an ecological, responsible and solidarity book ?
At a time when a significant proportion of printed books end up unread and when the physical flow of books generates significant greenhouse gas emissions, printers, publishers, booksellers and distributors are questioning their practices and the impact they have.
They are proposing alternatives to the dominant system to respond to these challenges – and thus define the future of the book ?
